Foster Care Abuse Lawyer Vancouver, WA

Washington’s foster care system is intended to protect and nurture some of the youngest and most vulnerable members of our community. It is an unfortunate reality that abuse affects the lives of many young people in the foster care system.

If you or someone you love was a victim of foster care abuse in the Vancouver, WA, area, know that the attorneys at Cochran Douglas can help you pursue legal action, even if the crime occurred years ago. Please reach out to us for a free and confidential consultation.

Do You Need Help Now? Resources and Support Are Available to You

If you or someone you know in the foster care system is in immediate danger, do not hesitate to call 911 and alert local Vancouver law enforcement.

Once you are in a safe place, or if you need to report foster care abuse or neglect that is no longer ongoing, you can call the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, & Families at (866) 764-2233 to have your report logged with Child Protective Services.

The YMCA of Clark County offers free and confidential support and advocacy for victims of sexual assault, rape, and domestic abuse. You can call their 24/7 hotline at (360) 695-0501.

Once you have alerted law enforcement and are in a safe space to do so, we encourage you to reach out to our foster care abuse attorneys so we can listen to your story and help you determine appropriate avenues of legal action. 

We’re Ready to Hear Your Story Our Foster Care Abuse Lawyers Offer Free Consultations

Lawyers Loren Cochran and Cole Douglas

Our attorneys take cases involving foster care abuse incredibly seriously. If you were a victim of mistreatment in the foster care system, know that the despicable crimes committed against you are in no way your fault. As your attorneys, you will have our pledge to leave no stone unturned when it comes to holding your abuser accountable, as well as any other parties or agencies that neglected to investigate or address the abuse.

You have our admiration and respect for taking a stand and speaking out against your perpetrator. Legal avenues are available to help you achieve justice and recover financial compensation for the wrongs you have suffered. Contact our personal injury law office in Tacoma, serving Vancouver, WA, for a free and confidential consultation.

(253) 472-7777

Vancouver Victims Find Help At the Law Firm of Cochran Douglas



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Loren, Cole, and their entire office were of such great help during a difficult time in my life. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a personal injury attorney

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I had a fantastic experience working with Cole and his whole team. Competent, compassionate, communicative. They took great care of me and handled my case better than I could have expected. Thank you!

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Examples of Abuse

In a Foster Care Setting

  • Physical Abuse

    Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of injury or harm upon a child in a way that affects their safety. Children in foster homes may be subject to hitting, slapping, or being restrained by foster parents or siblings, among other intentionally malicious physical actions.
  • Emotional Abuse

    Emotional abuse of foster children may encompass mental and verbal abuse. It includes yelling, harassment, coercion, and isolation on the part of the caregiver.
  • Sexual Abuse

    Sexual abuse encompasses any non-consensual sexual action, like rape, molestation, fondling, or taking explicit photographs of a child. 
  • Neglect

    When foster children's needs are not properly met, it can be considered neglect. Basic needs include food, housing, clean clothing, and health care.

If you or someone you know suffered any of the examples of abuse or neglect listed above in a foster care setting, please get in touch with our Washington attorneys to learn which steps you can take next.

Don’t Be Discouraged Why It’s Worth Speaking Up, Even Years Later

If you are an adult who suffered foster care abuse years ago as a child, there is still hope to achieve justice and resolution. Even if it’s too late to file a criminal or civil suit, it’s still well worth your time and energy to inform proper authorities of the harm you suffered.

There’s a fair chance that the parties who perpetrated or disregarded the abuse you experienced still work with young and vulnerable people, whether in a school, a foster home, or another community setting. Speaking out creates a paper trail and puts abusive parties on the radar of law enforcement. By doing so, you could help others avoid similar mistreatment.

Who Can Be Held Accountable?

Children in the foster care system come into contact with a wide variety of adults charged with their well-being, which means a number of parties can be held liable for instances of abuse and neglect.
Angry mother shouting at her daughter who is covering her ears

Foster Parents

Foster parents can be held responsible for physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect committed against foster children in their care through civil or criminal proceedings.

Agency worker meeting with foster parents and children

Foster Care Agencies

Foster organizations are responsible for screening foster caregivers and placing children within the foster system into safe living situations. They can be held liable for negligence in these processes or for failure to follow up on claims of child abuse or neglect.

Gavel on a podium

The State of Washington

The state is responsible for background-checking and training potential foster parents, as well as investigating claims of abuse against them. If the state failed to protect you as a child in the foster care system, our attorneys serving Vancouver can help you take legal action.

Personalized Service From Committed Lawyers Contact Cochran Douglas for Determined Support

As a client of Cochran Douglas, you will have direct access to your lawyer and one-on-one attention to your case. You will never be left in the dark as we work towards achieving a resolution that helps you move forward.

Convenience for clients is important to us, so if you aren’t able to reach our Tacoma personal injury law office for your free consultation, we’ll be happy to meet you at a location of your choosing, whether your home, another location in Vancouver, or even via Zoom.

Reach out to our abuse lawyers serving Vancouver today. You can send us a secure online message or call our office at:

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"They are genuine, kind, and compassionate."



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If you are looking for attorneys that are sharp, care, and kind you are looking in the right place. Cochran Douglas office really cares about you and your case. They get back to you right away via email, phone call, they are so professional which is something I was looking for. I can so much but I just want to say I highly recommend this attorney office.  They made me feel heard, understood. Highly recommend. 10/10.

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This is a first-class law firm. They went above and beyond to settle my case, and greatly exceeded my expectations. They are genuine, kind, and compassionate. Cochran Douglas has an amazing staff that will keep you informed through the process and work to ease the anxiety surrounding your case. These are the people you want on your side!

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A Message From Attorney Loren Cochran You Are Not Alone—Your Voice and Story Matter

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"I couldn't imagine a better law firm."


Myron Bisconer

Tacoma, WA


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Cochran Douglas has changed my life. They have done an amazing job at representing me. Through out the entire process they were supportive and responsive. I always knew what was happening and what to expect. If you are looking for a law firm that is trust worthy and will stand up for you legally don’t hesitate to choose Cochran Douglas. They really care about your situation and seeking the justice your looking for. I couldn’t imagine a better law firm. Thank you guys for the amazing service you are offering to people like myself.

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They have been with us through everything for the past 2 1/2 years. Easy to get a hold of and great communication every step of the way. Very professional and attentive to get us through the process. Worked very hard to get all paperwork ready and needed. Did a thorough job with everything. Recommend this law firm for anyone in need of a strustworthy representative.

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Our personal injury attorneys have collected numerous honors and belong to noted professional organizations, ensuring they stay current with the ever-changing legal landscape. Among our honors and professional affiliations:

  • WSAJ: Washington State Association for Justice
  • WSBA: Washington State Bar Association
  • KCBA: King County Bar Association
  • TPCBA: Tacoma Pierce County Bar Association
  • Super Lawyers
  • Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

Request a free consultation with our practice by contacting us online or by calling (253) 472-7777. We can meet at a location and time convenient for you, including nights and weekends.


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